Monday, February 27, 2017

Vampires do exist

MY HAIRS ARE NOW RAISING A BIT because I’m currently writing this post on my bed, lights are off and it’s already past 2 am. The title is so perfect for this, and I can’t change it just because I’m scared! *cold sweat* Alright, to give you an overview, it simply goes like this: “Haters gonna hate”. Intriguing huh? Continue reading and you’ll find out why.

Note: This is not a hate post, but rather an eye-opener piece, which will make you realize that it is indeed a cruel world, made even crueler by difficult people. What to do when you encounter them? You’ll learn it here :)

Disclaimer: The “vampire” concept was inspired by the title of a book written by Brother Bo Sanchez. Any similarities of this write-up with the ideas of the author are not intended because I haven’t fully read the book.


Since I was in high school, I’ve been dealing with vampires, I just don’t know then that they are indeed such cold-blooded monsters. These creatures looked like normal people and they don’t suck blood, but instead, they suck hope and happiness. Before, I really don’t mind seeing them around because they don’t affect me directly. Yes they bother me almost every time, but they only give me bruises which healed easily. But as I got older, I started noticing that they also evolved in time, they are now causing me scratches---minor scrapes that leave tiny marks which took time to heal completely.  The offensive words can be annoying, you’ll carry them for a while, but they’ll surely be forgotten after some time. A lot has been said to me because I look intimidating. But after all the mockeries, I just licked my tiny wounds and moved on. 


I survived with some leeches for several years, and then graduated in college. I thought life would be different when you are already older, professional and mature. But when I stepped into the new chapter of my life, I met the most petrifying creatures---the real vampires. I never thought that there would be such kind of beings who’d walk and talk without a soul. I can’t believe that the most difficult person I’ve met before is nothing compared to these heartless bodies. At first, they will look like us, but as the disguise starts to disappear, the face of a monster will begin to take its form. 

I never wished to fell on their trap, but years ago, these monsters caused me deep wounds. I still have the scars until today, but they don’t remind me of the pain anymore, but instead, they made me stronger. They may still continue in their pursuit of ruining my life, but they can never suck all the happiness, because I have plenty---it won’t run out. What I have now for them is pity, because instead of destroying me, they are destroying themselves. But what is it with me that they want? I think I don’t have something so worthy of their time, yet they keep on spending great amount energy just to tell the world that I am a catastrophe.  

Envy, pride and selfishness are the key traits that will turn a person into a vampire. I’ve seen someone turned into one and he is recently spreading his venom, using me to lift his sinking ego. Thanks to him though, I started seeing the true colors of the people around me. I was affected at first, I cannot deny that, but now I’ve learned to contain myself and fight with my best companion, God. If before I always make sure to explain my side and condemn the person who taunted me, now I would rather remain calm and sort things out first. Now I’ve grasped that you don’t need to play their game, let them lose the battle not against you, but against themselves. There is no way you would be defeated if God is with you---stay still, everything will be fine.


As the cliché goes “You can never please everyone”, so try pleasing God and loving your family and friends instead. I guess I’ll continue to live with these vampires around me, waiting for the right moment to attack and draw the life out of me. But too sad for them, because I’ll remain positive amidst their negative presence. They can proclaim that I’m a piece of trash, but in the hearts of those people who knows me well, I’m a polished gem. 

These monsters are hurting inside, that's why they try to hurt other people too. You can never win against them head-on, but if you'll offer them forgiveness, they may soon learn to forgive themselves and heal eventually. I personally would want to slay the vampires of my life, not literally, but through words, until they break into pieces. But I'm thankful for realizing that there is more to life than hate. We exist because of love, and with love, we can heal the souls of these lonely creatures.

I hope you enjoyed this post :) I played with words and mixed fantasy with reality...but I do hope you captured the message. Once again, spread love not hate!

Have a beautiful heart,

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