Thursday, June 11, 2015

No Goodbyes, just good memories

IT HAS BEEN more than a week since I bid farewell to my second home for almost four years... It was a tough decision to make, but nothing is permanent in our life---except for the strong relationships that we build with our family and friends.

A jar full of happy memories... I'll miss everything about them. I'll miss TEAM A+.

"Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation"

I will surely miss all of the things I get used to in the past four years; the good and the bad experiences will not be forgotten, but whole-heartedly treasured forever.

To be honest, I never planned to make teaching a career after college. Even though I graduated from PNU, which specializes in teaching education, I really wanted to pursue a career as a health professional. 

But my feet led me to this institution, not because I wanted to be with my beau, who is also working in the same school, but because fate told me to do so. 

And I fell in love with teaching.

Won't forget my first advisory class, Grade 4-Galilei---'coz they are the sweetest!

Was challenged during my second year of teaching as I handled these bright kiddos. They made that year 'one-of-a-kind' for me, I'll never forget them---the first batch to call me 'mama' :)

A crazy, roller-coaster ride with these kids on my third year of teaching. The noisiest batch ever! But I love them :)

Never thought they'll be the last batch... Kids with different attitudes, they taught me the true meaning of loyalty, trust and friendship :) 

No one can claim to be the perfect teacher, but I know that I've given my best and I'm happy that I've touched so many lives in the process. But it's not always sunny days for me, a lot of trials also come my way. At first, I was so down thinking how could such people say those things to you, without really trying to get to know the real you? It was tough. It was like a nightmare. 

Good thing there were some people who managed to stood beside me and tell me that "it's okay, you're doing great" :) I just love them. Then I realized that you can never really pleased everybody. But as long as you have something good and special in you, there's nothing to worry---because it will shine through. 

Our very supportive Assistant principal, Mrs. Nimfa Mirandilla. She never fails to boost my self-confidence by giving positive feedbacks on the things that I do. However, She also sees to it that I recognize my mistakes so that I could do better in the future. I'll miss her words of wisdom. I'll miss her sweetness.

Our Elementary department head, Mrs. Lala Azucena. A very strong woman with a very youthful heart. I hope I could still find someone like her who never sees herself as someone with a position, but always look into situations as if she's one of us. I'll miss the food she always shares with us. I'll miss her yummy spaghetti with boiled eggs as toppings.

Our High school department head, Mrs. Yani Custodio. I think the space here won't be enough to describe this woman and how she influenced me a lot. I think she's the most tactless person I've ever met! haha! But seriously, I'm very blessed to have known her because she made a lot of difference to my character. I'll miss her calling me "gra". I'll miss her loud voice and pinches whenever I'm late.

The High school Team. They are best, I must say. Most especially to the pretty moms, Mrs. Santos (or Ginang) and Mrs. Natanawan (Nanay Jo)---You don't know how grateful I am because you accepted my crazy character. Thanks for all the advises and for the help you extended to me, to everyone of us. Both of you are my role models--strong and intelligent women. I'll miss your voices. I'll miss your giggles. I'll miss your sweetness.

Now, as I step forward and search for new experiences and wild opportunities, It made me extremely sad to leave these people who believed in me and trusted me more than I trust myself. But the sadness was covered by happiness when they organized a little surprise for me. It melted my heart. 

The Invitation! They totally exerted some efforts here tho. :)

They prepared a simple program for me! After seeing the set-up, I bursted into tears! *sniff*

Simple presents for me :) They maybe small and simple, but for me---all of these, are more than enough ^_^

Often than not, I get frustrated because I always think that I'm under-appreciated by the people I cared-for. But to my surprise, most of them appreciated me beyond my expectations. After reading their letters, I was so touched by the fact that I became their confidence booster and source of strength and positivity. I never meant to play that part, but I'm happy that even without actually knowing it, I did something great for them. 

I maybe sad at first, but now I know this isn't goodbye---but just good memories. I will not be leaving them, but I'll just be going somewhere else so that I could share more stories with them and we'll all grow stronger and more fruitful than before. 

In the end, I would like to thank those people who supported me and pushed me to aim for success, who accepted my flaws and took time to understand that I'm still in the process of re-inventing myself. My co-teachers, friends, students and heads who treated me as their daughter, mother, sister and friend---I will never forget you guys. 


And to those who tried to pull me down, shake my self-esteem and shatter my ego, you didn't succeed---but I still want to thank you all for trying :) I may not be where I am right now if you haven't pushed me to my limits and see how far I can go. You just proved to me that I'm more than what you think and led me to a road where I can explore new horizons. I have only one wish for all of you: Don't spend your time ruining the life of others because of your own insecurities, seek self-improvement---you can still fix yourselves. 

Remember this: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Make sure to chase new opportunities and go beyond your limitations, but don't ever forget the good people you meet along your journey. God always answers our prayers, but sometimes you just have to wait :)

Good memories are tucked inside my pockets and now I'm ready to explore ^_^

---Miss G. 

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