Friday, September 18, 2015

I'm NO superwoman

You can do anything, but not everything...

WHEN I WAS still a student, time moves as if it is dragging itself...moving at a very slow pace. I'm always thinking about how things will be different once I started working---and I'm extremely excited about the whole idea. 

But what it's like now that I'm working 24/7?

Exhausted. Drained. Tired. Dead. Almost.

My first year as a working young adult was really challenging. I didn't expected that teaching will drain my bucket of happiness. But of course, youth brings out an extra dose of positive hopes which pushed me forward. 

Situations become lighter as workloads become easier. I get used to the routine after several years and eventually I felt happier. However, I got bored with my work routine---that's the time when I started looking for something that will add some challenge in my 'slowly-becoming-boring' life. 

And I went back to school.

I pursued my blogging interest. 

I opened an online shop.

lastly, I continued my baking business.

Oh yes. Now I'm fully-loaded with things to attend to everyday! But I'm happy about it. I felt like I'm making the most out of my single (but in a relationship ^_^) life because I'm achieving so many things in my 20's. 

But as I stretched my daily schedules, a lot of other things got compromised: my relationships, health, happiness, etc. It really takes toll on my personal and professional life. I was so dead-tired everyday. Now, as I write this blog post, my body is extremely aching all-over and I'm absent for work. 

As I lay down in my bed earlier, I gather my thoughts about this dilemma. I asked myself, "should I gave up on these things that I'm currently into?" And my answer surprised me---No, I won't. 

To give up or not to give up...

I will not give up on the things that I love doing. I think it is better to be preoccupied by a lot of things than do nothing at all. Perhaps, I lack time management. I tend to multi-task every time. I want to get things done all at the same time, which is very impossible 'coz I'm no superwoman. I set aside the fact that I'm only human and I need to rest and relax from time to time. I thought I can do everything. But juggling work + graduate studies + blogging duties + online business was really tiring that I can't even stop and appreciate the things  that surrounds me. I got consumed by the idea of self-improvement and becoming an independent and successful young woman. My body failed me. 

Because I'm an over-achiever...

I know that a lot of us would like to achieve great things before stepping into our senescence period. We have big dreams and big hopes for our lives in the future. We work hard to provide our needs and become ambitious because we thirst for success. 

I think there is nothing wrong in pursuing your dreams and aspirations. It just so happen that we all have our own limitations. Maybe a good advice would be to remain cautious of the changes that will take effect, as you step higher in your life's ladder. Do things little by little. Grab your life's trophies one at a time. 

Let us rest our bones...

Yes, I'm tired of working 24/7, I go to work from Monday to Friday, attend classes on Saturday and prepare materials for work on Sunday---with online selling in between. It is so exhausting, yet at the end of the day there is that feeling of fulfillment. A good lesson that I've learned from this is to value the importance of rest---we all need a good night sleep and some power naps everyday. ^_^


Life won't wait for us, we need to run before the road ends. There are a lot of opportunities in every corner waiting to be realized. But sometimes, living a simple life is better, and being contented with the little things that we have brings out unparalleled satisfaction. ^_^

Taking things lightly starting today, 

---Miss G.

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