Sunday, April 26, 2015

LEMON is my wonder fruit!

LAST WEEK I took a quick stop in a nearby supermarket, because i ran out of my fave fruit at home. Basically, this fruit has become a part of my daily routine, the day since I suffered from breakouts. As I watched a video blog of my favorite vlogger, Bubz, I realized that this fruit may become my best beauty and health buddy!

Let's break the ice and reveal the super fruit! (drum rolls please....) just kidding, it's so obvious with the title of this blog post tho..haha! So what I'm talking about is just this yellow, citrus fruit with a very pleasant smell and a popular scent for most air fresheners---LEMON :)


This fruit is actually one of the best gift from nature and I just wanna share ways on how you can maximize the beauty and health benefits of this wonder fruit :)




For almost a year now, I started infusing my regular drink with lemon. The most basic would be water. As I intake my lemon water on a daily basis, I noticed that my skin appear healthier, I become more lively and I seldom catch a cold. My digestion also improves as I combined lemon juice and my all-time favorite beverage: warm green tea. :)

LEMON WATER. Place at least two slices of lemon inside your tumbler and fill it with water! Warm lemon water is also perfect for mornings :)


If you've read a post on this blog about my daily skincare routine, then you're much aware that I'm using the AC clinic toner from Etude House. However, I find this natural toner more effective in shrinking pores and lightening pimple scars. Aside from that, it provides additional nutrients to your skin, making it supple, tighter and glowing! Downside is that it actually stings if you have fresh wounds on your face, but it helps in the healing process. :)

LEMON TONER. Squeeze out some juice on a cotton pad and apply directly on your face. Leave it on for about 5-10 minutes then rinse it lightly with water. 


I tend to upgrade my favorite facial wash and facial scrub with a few drops of lemon. This is perfect for the stressful days at work and school, you'll definitely come out with a very refreshed skin! Lemons are packed with vitamin C and are excellent for our skin. You can also grab a slice of lemon and use it like a scrub on your face. It deeply exfoliates revealing a young and glowing skin. :)

D.I.Y. Lemon-infused facial wash and scrub :) I put them in a contact lens case: facial wash on the right side, the scrub on the left. Add a few drops of lemon and it's ready for use. 


This is the facial mask that I've learned from Bubz. You just need a small bowl, honey and lemon. Place at least 1-2 tbsp of honey inside the bowl, then add a few drops of lemon. Mix it well and apply it on your face as a mask. Leave it on for at least 10 minutes, then rinse it off with water. You can wash your face after with a facial wash and lukewarm water. This mask actually relieved me from my troubled skin condition. Lesser pimple breakouts and no more blackheads. :)

LEMON + HONEY = PERFECT FACIAL MASK. I sometimes add a tablespoon of brown sugar into the mixture. (photo credit:


Do you have dark secrets? :) Dark elbows, knees, groins and armpits!? Lemon will save you from those dark, embarrassing problems :) I just rub a slice of lemon on my elbows and knees and I've noticed that they become lighter and softer. You can mix few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of white sugar and use it as a scrub. Both ways will provide excellent results. 



Literally, it cannot replace a normal diet pill. But it can regulate your food intake, providing you better digestion and a healthy diet routine. Just make a drink with the juice of one lemon, a tablespoon of honey and a glass of warm water. Drink this in the morning. The feeling of fullness will help you control your overeating habits (Lemons are rich in a soluble fiber called pectin which makes you feel "full" quickly). 


Yahoo! we're done with the six ways on how you can optimize your health and beauty using LEMON :) Actually, there's still a lot of things that can be listed above, so feel free to give your own insights and personal experiences with this wonder fruit. 

Remember: Beauty must be natural :) and a healthy body reflects true beauty! 

Stay healthy and beautiful! 

---Miss G.


Thanks for reading! If you want to ask or share something, feel free to post a comment below :) I'll appreciate your support!

Facebook:  Mary Grace Amparo (
Instagram: @iam_msgrace (use the hashtag: #missgdiaries)

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